Contract TypeFull Time
Job TitleComputer Engineer
Job SectorEngineering
Working Days7
Working HoursFixed Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Salary100 OMR
Additional BenefitsNone
ابحث عن عامل
من جنسية غير عربيه
لتصليح الاجهزه الابتوب والكمبيوتر والهواتف والبلاستيشن
احتاج احد خبره في تصليح الماذربورد !
الموقع سمائل
اSearch for a worker to work in a maintenance and sale of electronic devices
From a non-Arab nationality
To repair the devices, the computer, the phones and the PlayStation .
I need someone to have experience in repairing the matherboard!
The location is Samail