Contract Type
Job Title
Job Sector
Working Days
Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Additional Benefits
Tailoring Cravy beds all sizes with Dushk
One person starts with me 25/35/55/98
One and a half people starts with me 45/65/86/125
Two people starts with me 75/85/125/155
With a seating sofa detail, starting at 70 riyals
Tailored Detail in Meters Meter 20 SR
Prices including installation and transportation fees according to location
What'spp Apply to show phone number..763636XX
Apply to show phone number..+968763636XX
تفصيل سراير كرافي جميع القياسات مع دوشك
شخص واحد يبدأ بي Apply to show phone number..25 / 35 / 55 / XX