
Body Guard -Dohuk

Body Guard
Body Guard -Dohuk
Rasoul TayeeOther, Dohuk

Job Info

Body Guard
500 IQD
Trailer & Semi-Trailer

Job Requirements

English , Other , Arabic
InterpersonalProject ManagementEmail usage knowledgeFast LearnerContracts PreparationWorking with DatabasesSelf-managementTelephone conversationsStaff MotivationProblem-solvingFinding & Attracting ClientsMS PowerpointComputer skillsWillingness to learnInternet SearchMS ExcelCommunicationMulti-taskingConducting presentationsMS WordLeadershipNegotiationCreativePhotoshopTeamworkBusiness CorrespondenceDocuments Audit

اسمی رسول خریج علوم ریاضیات عندی شغف فی العمل الجماعی والعمل تحت الضغوطات وایجد الحل للمشاکل فی العمل وعندی صبر فی العمل

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 222100544

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Rasoul Tayee
Rasoul Tayee
Member Since14-08-2023

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