قطعه ارض في زيونه 716 225 متر والثانيه 150 متر

3 hours ago
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زيونه محله 716 مقابيل دار الازياء

قطعه ارض مساحه 225

واجهه 7.5 نزال 30

قطعه ارض مساحه 150

واجهه 5 نزال 30

الاتصال مباشرا مع المالك

صاحب الارض Click to show phone number.. 077039106XX

Post ID: 260254739

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4,350,000 IQD
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  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 Mohamed Farkad

Mohamed Farkad

( 2 )
Member Since 16-01-2021
Replies Within 11 hour


Baghdad - ZayonamapShow on map

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