حاسبة كيمنك PC كيس فقط.

5 hours ago
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حاسبة كيمنك PC كيس فقط.

مكاني بغداد الشعب ماعندي توصيل

السعر 500 الف

Click to show phone number.. 077330757XX

i5 10400f

Gtx 1660 6G

Ram 16

SSD 250

Hdd 1t

Post ID: 259944015

Ask the Lister

500,000 IQD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 Mohammed G2

Mohammed G2

( 29 )
Member Since 28-05-2020
Replies Within 20 hour


Baghdad - Elshaab

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