نيسان التيما

5 / 1



السلام عليكم

نيسان التيما كوبي 2008

محرك جديد

كير جديد

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منظومه تبريد جديد

السياره كامله من كل شي

السعر 65ورقه


Click to show phone number.. 078002666XX

Post ID: 258664687

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9,715,000 IQD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

 Amir Abdulhakim

Amir Abdulhakim

( 0 )
Member Since 20-02-2020
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Baghdad - MansourmapShow on map

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