Commercial Villas For Rent in Baghdad



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Real Estate for Rent
Commercial Villas for Rent
بيت 120 متر شارع فلسطين
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بيت 120 متر شارع فلسطين

Surface Area: 120 m2, Unfurnished , Yearly , Air Conditioning , Garage Parking , Restaurant

Baghdad, Falastin St
icon phone077702879XX
120 IQD

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The most frequently asked questions about Commercial Villas for Rent in Iraq

How many apartments for rent are on Opensooq Iraq Baghdad ?

Number of apartments for rent in Iraq Baghdad is 1

How many Premium listings are for apartments for rent in Iraq Baghdad ?

Number of Premium Listings for apartments for rent in Iraq Baghdad is 0

How many real estate agents are on opensooq Iraq Baghdad ?

Number of real estate agents in Iraq Baghdad for apartments for rent is 0

How many furnished apartments for rent in Iraq Baghdad ?

Number of furnished apartments for rent in Iraq Baghdad is 0