قبل 10 ساعات

Handcrafted antique turquoise-inlaid dish from Isfahan, Iran

Handcrafted antique turquoise-inlaid dish from Isfahan, Iran
Mahdi Aslani9 نيسان, بغداد
9 نيسان, بغداد

Handcrafted antique turquoise-inlaid dish from Isfahan, Iran



متطلبات الوظيفة


I am an Iranian seller. Please feel free to contact me for purchases in the chat section.

This piece is a masterpiece of artistry, showcasing a blend of various traditional handicrafts. The combination of exquisite colors, along with the expertise of the finest craftsmen in producing antique vessels, has resulted in a piece that offers a beautiful display.

اسأل جهة التوظيف
اعلان رقم: 260049445

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9 نيسان, بغداد
Mahdi Aslani
Mahdi Aslani
عضو منذ 28-02-2025

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